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It is essential to know how to use a fire extinguisher to protect yourself and others in case of a fire emergency. The use of a fire extinguisher involves four basic steps: P.A.S.S (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep). In this guide, I will explain each of these steps to help you understand the steps that …

Read More about What Are The 4 Steps in Using A Fire Extinguisher? P.A.S.S

Fire extinguishers are crucial safety equipment that can help protect lives and property in the event of a fire. In commercial buildings, fire extinguishers are typically installed in strategic locations to ensure that they are easily accessible in the event of an emergency. However, it’s important to know how far apart fire extinguishers can be …

Read More about What Is the Maximum Distance Between Fire Extinguishers?

Fire extinguishers are crucial safety equipment that every boat must have. It is essential to know where to store them to ensure they are accessible in case of an emergency. In this article, we will discuss where fire extinguishers should be stored on a boat. Fire extinguishers on a boat should be stored in easily …

Read More about Where Should Fire Extinguishers Be Stored on A Boat?

When it comes to fire safety onboard a vessel, it is important to have the right equipment readily available in case of an emergency. One important piece of equipment is a fire extinguisher, but not all fire extinguishers are created equal. Depending on the type of fire, different extinguishers may be required. In the case …

Read More about Which Class of Fire Extinguisher Should Be Onboard a Vessel with a Permanently Installed Fuel Tank?

If you just came a cross this word, “pre-action sprinkler system”,  and wondering what it means, I have in this post discussed everything about the system – all what you should know. A pre-action sprinkler system is a type of fire protection system that combines features of both dry and wet pipe sprinkler systems. Pre-action …

Read More about What Is Pre Action Sprinkler System?